Age: 42 Joined: 31 May 2009 Posts: 744 Likes: 62 Location: usa 13000.00 NLN Dollars
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Posted:26.07.2009, 23:37
Has anyone here ever cashed a b-day bonus from this kind of casino before or happen to know what the max cashout on a bday bonus would be ?? _________________ NATE'S GREAT!!!
really??? that is awsome TDTAT thanks for letting me know.
Sorry I havent logged on in a couple of days I was real busy with my bday and playing all my bonuses>I made 2 more cashouts at rushmore for a total of 1170$ and
Casino cubed offered me a free 20$ bday chip Im not sure the terms and Laura is supposed to email them to me soon however my balance is at 500$ and thats what ill be doing tonight so wish me luck!!
and my 2 daughters threw me an awsome bday party and bought me lots of candy and balloons and I recieved an envelope in the mail with no return address postdated on my bday and recieved it in the mail on my bday it had (3) 5$ Happy Birthday scratchoffs in it!! I only won 5$ but it was cool and boggled me all day My mom kept saying it was not her and I didnt believe her all day untill I talked to my friend Mickey turns out he was the secret sender
Anyways This has been one of the Best Birthdays I have ever had by far
Congratulations Nathan1234 & _________________ Treat her like a Thoroughbred and she won't be a NAG!!
Age: 42 Joined: 31 May 2009 Posts: 744 Likes: 62 Location: usa 13000.00 NLN Dollars
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Posted:17.08.2009, 14:57
Thanks TDTAT and everyone my birthday went great and now i am crazy busy planning both my daughters bday parties I only won on rushmore (a lil over 1000$) and casino cubed so far(150$) My bady bonus with them went okay of course I had 500 in my account and was all excited but it took them 3 days to email my terms to me cause they were"revising the terms" and when i received them it said max cashout 50$ but thats okay it was still 50 free and i am doing pretty good with this online casino stuff and i am ahead of the game so far _________________ NATE'S GREAT!!!
Age: 42 Joined: 31 May 2009 Posts: 744 Likes: 62 Location: usa 13000.00 NLN Dollars
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Posted:17.08.2009, 15:00
also I made a 105$ deposit with casino cubed and the playthrough was very high but i played a while had some fun and almost made my playthrough _________________ NATE'S GREAT!!!