Age: 51 Joined: 10 Aug 2006 Posts: 18 Likes: 0 Location: CANADA 0.00 NLN Dollars
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To Make a long story short,
On Aug 3rd 2006 i downloaded Cocoa Casino, and made a deposit (via prepaid credit card, as i didn't have enough in my neteller acct) I then tried to download the games and recieved a "critical download error/check your internet connection, if problem persists please contact support. This also came with an address violation error mssg. (I have a dsl connection)
Ever since then it has snowballed into a near volcanic eruption on my part
I followed all tech supports requests, ran the diag nostic software,disabled antivirus software, frewall. Uninstalled/reinstalled but to no avail
Now on this same day i had 3 conversations, and i was advised that tech support would get back to me by monday (Aug 7th) so not Thinking anything of it i let it go until monday (HUGE MISTAKE)
Monday rolls around, no word yet, so i contact my prepaid acct customer svcs desk, and iI was told that in order to reverse the deposit it MUST be done within 72hrs (guess who didn't know that)
So i raised holy H@#L with the support staf and they "apologized" for the misunderstanding, sent it back to tech support. I asked to speak w/manager was told no one available. Asked for accts svcs 1800 # told they DON"T have a phone (I had to laugh )
So on Tues as requested i chat again with anotherof their rude and unpleasant stall and again their sorry blah blah blah, but this time they tell me they wil send an email off to acct svcs to "look into the matter"
No time for chatting on Wednesday
Thursday, I have a very unpleasant exchange with the operator, and again i ask for a manager. Operator then sweetens up considerably and tells me beacause their accts dept is sooo busy someone will get back to me regarding refunding within 24 hrs
Friday more of the same 1 st operator i hung up on, refused to answer any of my questions without doing his checklist first (remove antivirus/firewall/run diag etc)
2nd operator more pleasant but advises me i need to wait for someone to contact me
Saturday, surprise surprise accts is closed and no manager to speak to me,,, but.. if i would be patient enough to let the operator guide me through the diag proccess he's sure he could fix my problem ( after 6 + emails to tech support and accts....)
Now todate i have recieved 1 email from Cocoa Casino reagrding my tech/software issues:
So today i finally blew a gasket, they sent me yet another wonderful email regarding the promo they have running and what reliable tech support they have available 24/7
That was it, so off i went to chat with Renee and then George (MANAGER)as well as operators w/NETELLER
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Lily'
Lily: Welcome to Cocoa Casino's Live Support. How may I assist you?
Michelle: Hello Lily
Lily: Hi Michelle.
Michelle: Would I be able to speak with a manager please?
Lily: You can tell me your issue, I will probably be able to help you out.
Michelle: I would really like to speak with a manager please Lily. This has been ongoing for 10 days now and i am absolutely fed up with situation. Bear with me as i explain it to you please.
Michelle: I have done the diagnostic test
Michelle: turned off the antivirus software and firewall
Michelle: there is some sort of "extremely unusual" connection problem that CANNOT be resolved by tech support
Lily: Are you unable to load the games, or are you unable to open the casino?
Michelle: Now on friday, someone was supposed to contact me (from your accts) division to best see how they can refund my deposit to me
Michelle: Lily this has been back and forth to tech support at least 6 times, i cannot download anything
Michelle: all i want to know is WHEN someone will be contactingme to have this resolved
Lily: You made a deposit using your Credit card, and you are not able to withdraw to a Credit Card. You need to use NETeller, Firepay, Click2pay or Moneybookers.
Michelle: that is fine i have a neteller acct as well
Lily: Ok. If I understand you correctly, you do not have access to the Casino's cashier, is that right?
Michelle: hang on a sec and i'll try logging in
Lily: Sure.
Michelle: I got in there to make the deposit , maybe it willwork
Michelle: ok i'm in
Lily: Ok, Michelle, I need you to make a $25 deposit for verification, and then you can withdraw all of your $50 to your NETeller account.
Lily: Since the account department only works from Monday to Friday, your withdrawal will be processed within 2 business days.
Michelle: NO I WILL NOT deposit again
Michelle: it should not take 10 days to resolve the issue
Lily: I am sorry, but the system cannot make a deposit to your NETeller account unless it has been verified.
Michelle: what is the telephone # for your accts department?
Lily: You will get it all back, and since this issue has been going on for so long, I will try to have it processed on Monday.
Michelle: that is unacceptable
Lily: They do not have a Telephone number.
Michelle: then let me speak to a manager
Lily: The acct department will have to send you a check or money order tomorrow, but it takes much longer.
Lily: Is that the correct address that you have on file?
Michelle: yest it is, HOWEVER i still would like to speak to a MANAGER
Lily: Ok then, I will transfer your chat.
Michelle: thank you
Michelle: Hello George
George: Hi, I see we have a bit of a problem that we are trying to solve
Michelle: Its more than that now
Michelle: Why should it take 10 days to resolve the issue
Michelle: have asked on more than 1 occasion to speak with a manager
George: The fasted and easiest way would be to make a small deposit using Neteller and then make a withdrawal
George: We could process that tonight
George: You are speaking to the manager
Michelle: That is unacceptable to me
George: As I said that is the easiest way to get this resolved
Michelle: Your staff has given me no reason whatsoever, to have any faith in anything you say
George: I am very sorry about this situation
Michelle: I do not have a lot of free time to pursue this any further
George: We were hoping that we could send a cheque, however they do not isue cheques
George: our technical department is still looking into it butI can understand your frustration by now
Michelle: I was told that i would be contacted on Friday, and i do understand that it is the weekend, however i have to work too.
George: We have had minor problems with Dial up but not to this extend
George: Yes I understand, I work weekends, but the accounting department does not
Michelle: Your accting dept was made aware of this on thursday
George: Again if you make a small deposit through Neteller we should be able to process your withdrawal right after that
Michelle: t someone would contact me withtin 24 hrs
George: I don't think we should wait to see if there is a solution to the connection issue, it will just take more time.
George: Yes, and I apologize for that
George: I guess, they contacted tech. department first to see if there was any progress on the problem
George: I don't think we should wait to see if there is a solution to the connection issue, it will just take more time.
George: Well Michelle what do you think?
Michelle: I contacted my prepaid Mastercard customer svcs and was advised that after 72 hrs, that there was nothing that they could do
George: that is why I would like to resolve this the quickest way
Michelle: rovide you with any further financial information due to the fact that i have no further recourse
George: It is to bad that we can not pay out to c.c.
George: would make things a lot easier
Michelle: I am also chatting with Neteller
George: ok thank you
Michelle: that is why i am taking so long
I then disconnected @ NETELLER'S request
Suspicious of what i was asked i reconnected with NETELLER and was given confidential information on how to respond. I cannot publish it here.
But suffice to say, i am hoping that they will advise me of their action soon.
So anyone who reads this please let me know what you think, i am new to online gambling and am reconsidering placing any deposits in the future.
Please tell me of reputable online casinos, wher i can safely deposit and play without issue.
Thanks for listening
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104091 Likes: 49769 Location: Gambleville 3434921.10 NLN Dollars
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QtPizInIt2Win, Did u register from NOLUCKNEEDED??
If you did what is your ACCT#??
How much did u deposit?
IT IS THE Credit card companies who
do not allow payouts from casinos to Credit cards Not the casinos rules
Age: 51 Joined: 10 Aug 2006 Posts: 18 Likes: 0 Location: CANADA 0.00 NLN Dollars
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No I didn't sign up from here, I only joined this forum on thursday.
But you guys have so many postings that i thought this might be a good place to be.
From : Cocoa Casino <[email protected]> | Save to Address Book | Block Sender
Subject : Your deposit is complete!
Date : Thu, Aug 03, 2006 01:52 PM
Hello Michelle ,
This email verifies you have successfully deposited 25 into your Cocoa Casino account. Your account balance is now 75.00
If you have any questions about your account please contact us and a friendly support representative will be more than happy to help!
Thank you from Cocoa Casino
(They had a buy $25 get $50 free offer and i've seen the games @ a friends house)
Welcome to Cocoa's Casino! Home of the I-Slot!
Hello Michelle
Your new username is QtPizGold
A Warm Welcome from your Casino Host!
My name is Brad Walker, I am your personal host and liaison to Cocoa Casino
Cocoa Casino and I firmly believe that players such as yourself must be completely satisfied with the services of an online casino. Fast payouts, personal hosts and amazing promotions are top priority to us. I will provide you with personalized promotions, no deposit prizes, and I-Slot story line updates.
I also act as your player resolution manager and I ensure all issues are resolved in a fair and timely manner with the your best interest in mind. I hope to hear from you on any topic that you may feel will improve your experience with Cocoa Casino.
Sincerely at your service,
Brad Walker
Personal Host
Cocoa Casino
Never could track him down
As for my credit card, it is a prepaid Mastercard/Debit card and I have been able to transfer winnings to it before, And this is the first time it has been an issue. (in CANADA, canadian based gaming sites can refund to credit cards)
I only use it when my neteller acct is runnuing on empty.
A NEW DEVELOPMENT.....So now they are singing a new tune??? |
Age: 51 Joined: 10 Aug 2006 Posts: 18 Likes: 0 Location: CANADA 0.00 NLN Dollars
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So as i was sitting here a few hours ago, ranting and raving about my situation... ...I recieved this email from George Manager at Cocoa Casino...
From : ....
Expired Link. Check out our Casino Bonus Forum for a list of current bonuses.
To : Michelle
Subject : Re: refund (Issue #16609)
Date : Sun, Aug 13, 2006 10:30 PM
Hi Michelle,
To follow up on our chat, any Chance you have a "MoneyBookers"
account. You don't have to make a deposit with them before making a withdrawal.
If not, I still suggest the Neteller approach since you have a Neteller
Make a small deposit through them. Withdraw and we will process it right away.
I understand your frustration and I am just trying to get this resolved.
I also spoke to the technical department and told them that these issues are not acceptable and that they have to come up with a solution for people with dial-up/dsl connections. The problem is the large file for the I-Slots.
Anyway we will see if you take my suggestion, if you do send us a quick note so the accounting department can give it "High Priority" and process your withdrawal instantly.
Manager Customer Service
Cocoa Casino.
I do have a Moneybookers Account, that I have never used. So i contacted their customer support to see what they said:
It is free for me to recieve money (that's a first)
You have registered and want to receive money - now what?
Simply, provide the payer with your email address and he can send you payments via Moneybookers. Anytime someone sends you money using Moneybookers, the funds will be instantly credited to your account balance. You can request that someone send you money by going to the 'Request Money' tab and follow the instructions
So having spent more than a few moments seeking Moneybookers Casino's i see that indeed I will have a multitude of options for spending that refund. And to boot Moneybookers has assured me that they (Cocoa Casino cannot debit this acct for any reason) by adding a password block (i have to contact them 1st before there can be any withdrawals in the acct) A nice touch if you ask me!!!!!
However being the realist, i am waiting for the other shoe to drop.
(instinct again tells me something is wrong) But i don't see what other choice i have.....
Will update as soon as i hear something