Palace of chance 10n/d code. December 12am-2am *EXPIRED?

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Palace of chance 10n/d code. December 12am-2am *EXPIRED?
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PostPosted:10.12.2006, 13:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

Throughout december, palace of chance has a 10 dollar n/d code
in marquee of casino software from 12am to 2am eastern time..
Good Luck!


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Re: Palace of chance 10 dollar n/d code. December 12am-2am

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PostPosted:10.12.2006, 13:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

« 2112 » wrote:
Throughout december, palace of chance has a 10 dollar n/d code
in marquee of casino software from 12am to 2am eastern time..
Good Luck!


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Thanks!! Thanks WOOHOO
This code is probably $20 max cashout..
Players: Ask support if YOU can cashout Smile


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PostPosted:10.12.2006, 15:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

Just want to let you know.... depositors only =)
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PostPosted:10.12.2006, 16:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

Since last free chip? Or if you have ever deposited? Thanks!
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PostPosted:10.12.2006, 22:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

bc Sorry I am not sure Embarassed .. Just ask support..
I sent an email, so I should know for sure by tuesday Smile


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Palace of chance code!!
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PostPosted:15.12.2006, 22:23 Reply with quoteBack to top

You must deposit between free chips, and the codes so far have match the day. Like todays code was FRIDAY14TH, tomorrow would be SATURDAY15TH ect. At 12:00am to 2:00am eastern time.

Cirrus casino is also running same holiday promotion...12:00am to 2:00am eastern time.
Good Luck!

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BAH HUMBUG bogus christmas money
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PostPosted:17.12.2006, 01:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

whats up with these bogus posts? there is nothing on either POC or Cirrus marguee, website or homepage about any thing happening between 12 and 2........and the date/code thing didnt work either.
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PostPosted:17.12.2006, 08:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

maryfreakn, why do you have to say it like that?
obviously there were codes at some point or there
would not have been a post!

Please be nice ... people are just trying to get you
all the free money possible..

Please be kind and thankful for members who search for new offers and then post!!.. unless you do not want anyone ever posting new offers Very Happy
They are just trying to help Smile

Also.. deals expire quickly
Noone is trying to make "bogus" posts Shocked Very Happy


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if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck............
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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 01:59 Reply with quoteBack to top was waayyy past my bedtime and i may have been a little loopy....and frustrated....but in my defense the post does say rather affirmitively "throughout december" and "in the marquee.." and so far the only mention of it has been in a couple forums........(oddly, the same poster) and i do appreciate the efforts when a mod checks the apple for worms before he shines it to speak.
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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 02:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

maryfreakn, no problem.. Smile LOL
I am nuts in the morning when I wake up.. Razz
I delete posts by accident and generally act crazy
until my 3rd cup of coffee.. which is probably when I posted
that message Embarassed
I will move this to general chat.. I am usally never up
at 12-2 so i really
dont know if the code is there or not Embarassed


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and walks like a duck............
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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 02:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

and wouldnt there be just some little SOMETHING mentioned somewhere by the casino?? between the website and the marguee??? anything about it to those depositors that qualify...??? anything?
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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 02:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

maryfreakn, no because the special codes just stream across when they are there.. it probably said depositors..

it could have been a few days only.. there is no reason
for anyone to lie about the code being there Smile

post if someone sees the code Very Happy


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Thanks fo your comments!!!
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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 15:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi maryfreakn,

First let me say, this offer was not bogus!! ( I have no control over what day's the casino will be putting this offer out!) I'm sure if you would have went at the right time you might have received offer....(12:00am 2:00am eastern time!) I myself really don't play at either of these casino's (So I did not go and check!!) But, I'm sure some will receive and some will not... I have been doing what I do for a few years now and I will keep doing what I do for years to come ... I have ran across many offers like this one that sometimes are not posted on the home page of the casino itself, and have to rely on post at multiple forums! which I visit many.. And if it seems to be legit I post it at several forums for members who are looking for free no deposit offers.. If it is something I'm interested in playing myself I use it or signup to verify before I post it. but like I said I do not play at either of these casino's... I really don't think it is right for you to act like you have been mistreated in anyway... You do not even realize how many accounts a person like myself has (that I will never use by the way!!) to help people like you receive a free signup offer.. Hell I do not even gamble that much I just like being around friendly people and dealing with the forums, Kind of a hobby... But I have dealt with quite a few people like yourself that seems to be around for the free chip and really does not seem to care about the forums and all the hard work it is for the people who deal and work at these forums to get these offers... So I guess I'm sorry you didn't get your free chip but don't go around trying to "BASH" me, you don't know me.. I will have to assume you are just a little down on your luck!! and needed a free chip fix and did not get one so you directed your anger at me... There's an old saying (Take a good look at yourself before judging others!) Also I'm positive tens of thousands of people have received n/d offers I have posted in the past under several user names by the way, some I still use today.. But, you know who I am and where I go, No you know 2112 that's it period.....

So statements like this are made with no merit at all...

[.." and so far the only mention of it has been in a couple forums........(oddly, the same poster) and I do appreciate the efforts when a mod checks the apple for worms before he shines it to speak.]

You have a serious problem!! SEEK HELP..

Your a free chip hunter that probably never say's thanks and when you don't get one, you probably do the same thing you just did here...

Well I'm not going to waste any more of my time trying to explain this when it really does not matter.. I will say this though, you should be thankful for the n/d offers that are posted through out the forums that you receive and not start bashing people like they don't know what their doing when you do not receive one!! You just don't realize....

Oh! sorry for all that time you wasted ( What about 15 minute's..) I'll remember that the next time I spend many hours looking for new offers.

Sorry for the post TDTAT,
Thought it needed to be said!

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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 15:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

everyone knows you rock!! you find all the new offers!!
When i started I was just like you... I went around all day searching for offers
and really enjoyed that other people could beat a casino for free..
That gave me alot of pleasure.. After several posts similar to that above,
I stoppped searching... It is very discouraging. I know from personal

the thing is tilt.. we all feel it.. it comes from gambling and losing.
Tilt sucks, but sometimes the only way to feel better is complain.
That is why I know mary did not mean anything against you..
It is just tilt.

2112: you rock! 007
Don't be discouraged, because you do alot for NoLuck
and I and many others really appreciate you!!! WOW


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PostPosted:18.12.2006, 16:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks TDTAT,
The webs we weave!!

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