MG locking accounts *how to get unlocked if in a free state

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MG locking accounts *how to get unlocked if in a free state
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PostPosted:02.11.2008, 11:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

As most of you know, due to the Kentucky ruling regarding domain names, MG casinos are now blocking players from the banned states. However, if your ISP is from one of these states but you actually reside in a "free" state, you will be blocked too.

You may live in Texas but your ISP address is in Kentucky. You will have your account blocked. You will need to send in documentation that shows you live in a "free" state.

You can check your ISP address here: ....

Expired Link. Check out our Casino Bonus Forum for a list of current bonuses.

Write down your IP address then go to ....

Expired Link. Check out our Casino Bonus Forum for a list of current bonuses.

and enter it under "Who is". It will tell you where your IP is located.

It sounds confusing but it's not. If it shows from a banned state and you don't live in that state, then send in ID showing different.

Sometimes is pays to use a local provider. My IP address has Texas all over it.

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PostPosted:02.11.2008, 11:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

anniemac, Thanks! Thanks

If you are NOT in one of these states and get banned,
do what anniemac says:

USA player are welcome except 13 banned states:
Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Kentucky,
Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada South Dakota, New Jersey, New York


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PostPosted:02.11.2008, 19:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

email the rich reels they unlock my account and l live in KY
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PostPosted:02.11.2008, 19:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

77230, I think you just got lucky wink

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PostPosted:02.11.2008, 23:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

maybe ,this is email i got from them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, please note that your account had been locked by Microgaming, due to you being from Kentucky, which is one of the 13 banned states. I have since unlocked your account, and you may try to access it now and may be allowed to deposit and wager. Please note though, that if you are not able to access the account, this is out of our control as the decision was taken by Microgaming and not Villento Brands.

We hope to see you on our slots!

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PostPosted:03.11.2008, 09:15 Reply with quoteBack to top


Please note that they said you would be able to deposit and wager. Nowhere did it say that you would be able to cash out.

From reading on other forums, the consensus is that a withdrawal is where the problems will arise if you are allowed to play from a banned state.

Just be aware and prepared for a problem.

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PostPosted:03.11.2008, 10:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

If 77230 is playing and depositing with quicktender,
he will also be allowed to withdraw via quicktender..

If 77230 has a problem, I will help and he will get paid.


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PostPosted:04.11.2008, 08:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

I didn't mean that the casino would not intentionally pay. I mean't that with current legislation due to the Kentucky doman seizures that it might be impossible for a casino to pay someone in an illegal state. And it's not coming from the casinos themselves, it is coming from MG itself.

It's a mess.

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PostPosted:05.11.2008, 09:28 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here is a note from the group of casinos called Star Partner
(Formerly Vegas Partner- inclused Crazy Vegas, Golden Riv,
777 Dragon and more)

They are banning states surrounding Kentucky until proof
is sent to them that the player is not in Kentucky.

By now we’re sure that you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving several of our casinos and the state of Kentucky recently. We were regrettably threatened with the seizure of several of our domain names and had to take several precautionary measures.

In order to ensure that we don’t run into anymore problems and due to Microgaming constraints we will be blocking all players from the surrounding states of Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri until we are supplied with a proof of identification in the form of a Utility Bill and an Identification Document. The respective players will then be able to continue gaming with us as usual.

We understand that this may be incredibly inconvenient for the players in these selected states but unfortunately our hands our tied. This precautionary measure has been put in place to ensure that no player should have to go without Vegas Partner Lounge’s amazing gaming experience ever again. All existing players will be contacted and notified and we sincerely hope that they continue to game with us.


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