Hi I Cant Run any Rival Casino i login start playing abount six games internet error. and it's not my internet. I have clean all files clean cookie clean disks still did not work. So the casino i deposit in Mayan i delete and redowon load and still get error what is going on.
Same here, play for 5 or 10 mins, then get disconnected. its been going on
since around 6 pm. Its on their end not ours. Im sure they know about it.
I hope they get it fixed soon!!
Here is was they said you: Prowan52
you: Hi I Cant Run any Rival Casino i login start playing abount six games internet error. and it's not my internet. I have clean all files clean cookie clean disks still did not work. So the casino i deposit in Mayan i delete and redownloaded and still get error what is going on.
Nathan: We apologize for the inconvenience, however, the casino is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later.Last edited by Prowan52 on 16.02.2008, 23:08; edited 1 time in total
I just spoke with support and they said:"Yes unfortunately we are experiencing technical difficulties. However it is being looked into as we speak and hope for it to be solved later today" So they know about it and they are on top of things. They will get it taking care of we all just need to be a little patient Also this is for all RIVALS
I just spoke with support and they said:"Yes unfortunately we are experiencing technical difficulties. However it is being looked into as we speak and hope for it to be solved later today" So they know about it and they are on top of things. They will get it taking care of we all just need to be a little patient Also this is for all RIVALS
Thank nettelarr42794 i will patient just the couple of day every one was saying clean files and cookie was driving me nuts when i no i just clean them i will be a good and wait thats all i can do any way
i did have lots problem too this was driving me nuts special i went too bonus round i got disconect then was running too slow i houpe they will fixs soon i think when is like this you loosing too i lost mt butt
I just spoke with support and they said:"Yes unfortunately we are experiencing technical difficulties. However it is being looked into as we speak and hope for it to be solved later today" So they know about it and they are on top of things. They will get it taking care of we all just need to be a little patient Also this is for all RIVALS
Thank nettelarr42794 i will patient just the couple of day every one was saying clean files and cookie was driving me nuts when i no i just clean them i will be a good and wait thats all i can do any way
I know how it feels I hate it when I get a bonus and it messes up, but just think you have something to look forward to when you do get back because you know you have that BONUS PLAY!!!!
The rivals are probably going to a few glitches here or there especially with all the upgrades they are making, but I spoke with them and they assured me that they are aware of the technical problems and they are doing their best to get them up and running glitch free....
I just spoke with support and they said:"Yes unfortunately we are experiencing technical difficulties. However it is being looked into as we speak and hope for it to be solved later today" So they know about it and they are on top of things. They will get it taking care of we all just need to be a little patient Also this is for all RIVALS
Thanks nette!!
everyone please be patient, they are working on it _________________