Geek Squad - I need help!!

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Geek Squad - I need help!!

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PostPosted:01.04.2008, 23:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok, still not able to get the software to run on the rivals that have done updates. This is a list of what I have done.
Cleaned cookies
ran windows and Internet Explorer updates
downloaded a zillion times from their own links
reset defaults on Internet Explorer

I went into "run" and got rid of old files through the search


Does anyone out there have any idea why in the hell I cannot get this software to open? If I wait for about 10 mintes I can actually log in to SS and Superior but then cannot get the games to load.

I have Java, I have ActiveX, I have plenty of space on my hard drive - I am at a complete loss here. ANY HELP WILL DO..


Rae Shocked Shocked Shocked

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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 00:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok, bare with the typos, baby is jumping all around and please don't assume that it reflects my intellect however, I do so hesitate to respond because I am the polar opposite of the “geek squad” and in fact mounted my laptop down to prevent throwing it into my pond due to the many IE( Internet Explore) errors lately. You stated that you “reset IE” I don’t know what version you are using ( under “help” on Explorer bar, click “about Internet Explore” and it will show if you are running 5, 6, 7 Silverlight, etc.) If you actually “reset IE to default settings, (“restore default under Internet options, Advanced tab, then you have set your Windows firewall and if you have Norton or McAfee, those as well. I just reread your post and see that you already have the software downloaded and you cant run it, correct?

Let me know what you are running, and in the mean time, do this, disable Windows Firewall, disable any additional firewalls, If you know how to create a restore point, do so that way you don’t screw anything major up, go to the “start” button, click on “help and support”, under “Pick a Task” chose, “undo any changes to your computer with system restore” then once that window opens, follow the prompts to create a restore point. Close everything out from “support” window. In the Internet Explore window, choose “tools”, “internet options”, where it says “browsing history” select “settings”, reset your “disk space to use” from 50 to like 500. Then click on “view files” once that opens, select all and then delete. If you did a full reset, Rival may not have a current certificate on file so if you have selected medium high security levels, there is a box that is automatically marked to reject site that do not have a recent certificated on file. I will check back here, in a few minutes to see if you have responded or if you still have the problem and if it doesn’t get fixed, I can type you through fixing this- Now, isn’t it sad that Rival doesn’t allow me to log into their casinos. I had a casino night party and got a wireless router and splitter to connect 5 of my family members for a showdown, even though we all live in different states, the fact that one IPN number registered with 5 people caused
Rival to ban me--

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Geek Squad - I need help!!

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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 00:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok - wow - I am all confused. I had ya right up to the point you wanted me to reset and create a rstore point. No offense, but if I crash or lose anything, I am out of a home (haha)

I went to "advanced" under tools, that's what the casino wanted me to do but it only says "reset settings" nothing about "default settings" - so I did that, too. I disabled my firewall once and tried to run casino but that didn't work either.

I have IE 7 - and I just installed windows priority updates - that didn't work.

I thank you so so much for your help - but I don't even know where to begin.

I guess I am doomed to never play at Rivals again,

Thanks again - I really appreciate it.


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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 01:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok, follow me here:
1. go to "tools"
2. Internet Options
3. 2nd item down after, "Home Page" is "browsing history"
4. Click the "settings" tab
5. When that opens up it should be, "Temporary Files and Internet Settings"
6. my word "default" is what Windows uses to sum up basically what your system came in the box with. If you look at the only space to type in a number under, "temporary internet files" I think the actual line where the number goes reads something like, "disk space to use" when you "reset Internet Explorer" that number changed from whatever number you had before to the "default setting" which is 50. You need to set that at like 500 so when you actually go to play or log in, your "temporary internet files" folder isn't full before the game actually gets to load. Make sure to hit "apply"

7. The part where I was talking about creating a restore point was when I misunderstood and thought that you could not download the software so I was going to give you command prompts for you registry. You don't need to worry about crashing your system by adjusting the amount of space used in IE. Also, you might want to try adding the web address of the casino that you are trying to play at in the "safe" or "trusted" sites section of your security settings. If you are still stuck, don’t be embarrassed to have me break it down further. I can try to show you through links and screen shots until you get it worked out especially if you have money in your accounts and you are unable to play.

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Geek Squad - I need help!!

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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 01:48 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok - back up. I went to options, i went to settings under browser - it said internet files at like 1087 or something - I set the number at 500 then hit ok - there was no "apply". should I be doing something else? Should I go back and reset my "settings" in "advanced" again?

It does appear I have no space in my internet/temp that what is keeping the software from loading?? I have plenty of space in my hard drive..

Let me know.

Sorry I am stupid when it somes to this stuff.

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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 03:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here's what to do first, make sure your fire wall is not blocking it(turn off part of your fire wall), then go to tools and click Internet Options and then go to Advance and click default settings then apply and close the window that should do it.
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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 07:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

Rae are you using Windows Vista? or xp?
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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 15:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

Sorry, I finally fell asleep- What I think is going on is that whenever you reset IE install anything as far as updates or even “surf the web” you have a minimum of 3 places that al of the data is stored prior to you seeing it in order to “speed up load and browsing time” the first place is Temporary Internet files---just a sec, although I am blackballed I’m going to check with Rival really quick to see if they have valid certificates on file with Microsoft and If they require special SSL or TSL setting adjustments. I’ll get right back to you.
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PostPosted:02.04.2008, 17:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

Rival Chat needs to work on thier skills-
OK, here is what I did: I followed your list of things that you listed that you did to your computer and I did them to my own to see if I encountered the same problems. I did not therefore you have an additional firewall installed somewhere on your computer software list or you have corrupted the Rival Gaming files by deleting part of the program that may have been stored in your temp folders when you installed. Check and see if any of these sound familiar or if they show up on you “Add and Remove Software” list in your control panel:
Norton Advanced
McAfee Astaro
Panda Cyberguard
Leonard Eand
Ashampoo Fortigate
Avast Net Screen

Also. What is your home page? MSN, Google, Yahoo all have Firewall settings that you can elect to use as well and you may have done so accidentally. If your Disk space to use for Temporary Internet Explore files was already at a number over 1000, increase it to 2000 and try again. There are a couple more steps you can do but you have to be behind a firewall to be experiencing the problem you are having otherwise, Windows would automatically prompt you to fix the disk space and browser settings if the program message was actually reaching Windows…..Do you get what I’m saying here, like if I went to download a huge program file and my temporary folder was full, a window would pop up saying something like, “virtual memory low” or “not enough disk space to download file, would you like to adjust these settings?” Understand, that it is not a problem with your computer’s storage space, it is a problem with how the reset has told your computer to use it. If you find the firewall it should work once I walk you through disarming which ever program you have installed and if it turns out that isn’t the problem then we will need to go into your settings and make sure that you have allowed Windows to use enough of its virtual memory to run Internet applications. When you reset, this is an example and I’m not stating that I have the right numbers here, but Windows will set you up to a lot 80% of your disk space to running programs, things like Adobe, office and so on and then leave you with a minimal % of disk space assigned to “virtual memory” which includes internet downloads, favorites, and surfing—Oh yeah, one more thing, do you have any additional tool bars installed? Anytime you add things like Yahoo toolbar or Google toolbars, each one has its own filters so it is best it you turn them off when you want to game ( tools, manage add ons, select disable for any tool bars that may have been installed, they don’t go away, they just become inactive for that session)

I don’t want to frustrate you here and I’m sorry I fell asleep before you got this resolved and not to sound like a loon because the normal response I get is, “why in the hell do you help people?” but, who knows, maybe someday I’ll get someone to offer up some help to me in return but once my husband gets home and he can watch the kids, I would be willing to give you my # (Fresno CA I think I saw the US flag and given the times of our last exchange, I would assume you are Pacific Time which shouldn’t be too bad on long distance or if you are ATT, we can do cell) and seriously walk you through step by step and fix this. I am curios as to if you are having any problems with anything other than Rival and if you are not then I’ll walk you through COMPLETELY removing their program and then you can do a full NEW download. They are everywhere in your system and deleting cookies and history doesn’t remove them. They are located in your system cache, System Volume Information files, Windows prefetch and recycler and that is how they know when you create duplicate accounts.

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