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PostPosted:30.10.2009, 18:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Free Halloween Contest at NoLuckNeeded with a $30 Prize
Free Halloween Contest at NoLuckNeeded with a $30 Prize
Post something SCARY to enter this contest
All members are welcome! One Entry Only

The Scariest post wins unless there are too many scary posts, in which
case a drawing will be held. The Winner will be announced by November 1st, 2009
The winner will be paid by amazon.com gift card or postal mail.


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PostPosted:30.10.2009, 18:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

"Life's no fun without a good scare! That's our job, but we are not mean, in this Town of Halloween!" The nightmare Before Christmas---This is Halloween

Have Fun EveryONe!! and BE SAFE!!


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Last edited by jasonoh72 on 31.10.2009, 05:33; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted:30.10.2009, 22:23 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ok, This isn't really scary, but I'm going to share this first. I live "directly" behind Lizzy Borden's house. For those of you who are not familiar, she killed her dad and step mom with an axe. I grew up here and my mom worked in the printing press that they built around the house. My mom would sleep over night to keep an eye on an elderly aunt when the owners went to Florida for the winter. One night while "trying" to sleep she heard constant noises all night long up in the loft area. She told the caretaker about it in the morning. When they checked it out they found numerous birds that had gotten trapped in there, mostly dead, not being able to get out (no ghost). Then, one day when my mom was doing spring cleaning in the house, my dad went with her. He decided to lay on one of the beds for a few minutes. Well, one of the new workers came in some time afterwoods, saw an imprint in the bed, ran out screaming and never came back (she thought it was a ghost laying there). They say it's haunted but over my 48 yrs I've never seen anything.

But onto some scary business. Last night at work we were talking about UFO's and the paranormal. The front window officer who is pretty much a non believer, mentioned something about one of our officers writing a book. Well, come to find out, this kid grew up in a house that was haunted. Apparently, he won't even talk about it because he is so frightened. The house is in Westport, MA. It is haunted by some old indian. It had his father pinned down on the floor one day, and there were numerous other stories that happened in the house. Ther was one particular door that the ghost would just constantly slam. The father ended up taking the door off the hinges and removing it. This may not seem big, but the guy that was telling this story is a non believer and he is convinced. Then I found out that this kid co-authored a book. The name "Our demons, Our Forefathers" by Tommy Demello and ?? Nickerson. Just another quick note, if you google "Bridgewater Triangle" you will find numerous articles about an area where I live that is known to be a paranormal hub. I live in Mass, and there is quite a history about the indians and the fights that took place over land. We also had murders back in the early eighties involving satanic cults in the Freetown forest which was actually an indian reservation. There is a book about it called "Mortal Remains". I love this stuff, and I forget what an "active" area that I live in.

Thought I would share!!!!!!!!

Now I'm going to go and buy that book. I can't wait to read it because this guy is no woosie (spell), so if he is truly frightened by this, I can't wait to read all about it.

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 03:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

Happy Halloween everyone! Twisted Evil

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 03:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

when i look in the mirror, thats pretty scary!!!!!!!
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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 04:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

Lizzy Borden took an axe
gave her mother 40 whacks
when she was finished good and done
she gave her father 41



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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 07:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

Mullac, Nice one! Twisted Evil

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 09:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

Who else wants to enter this contest? 064

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 09:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

Happy Halloween everyone! Don't let the ghouls and goblins get ya!
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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 09:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

When I was about 15 I was babysitting next door to my house. When the people came home I didn't go staight into my house but sat on our porch for a bit, it was a warm night and I was sneaking a cig so my mom wouldn't see. Anyway I saw this guy come down the alley and go to a house across the street from where I was sitting and proceed looking in their window. I thought maybe he was a friend playing a trick or the owner trying to get in but when I saw him go to the next house and do the same I knew something was not right. I went into my house and locked the door and watched him for a bit go to house to house across the street from us and look in people windows, he looked like he had something he was pulling over his face but I wasn't sure. I picked up the phone and called the police, I had my back to our living room window and when I was talking to the dispatcher, I turned and there he was looking at me through our window with a ski mask pulled over his face. Talk about jumping out of your skin! I screamed so loud I woke everyone up and he took off. Long story short he got caught, I had to go to court and testify what I saw ect. Needless to say I didn't sneak any smokes on our pourch ever again!
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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 10:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

TRUE STORY!!!!When I got my 4 year old out of the tub and she says mom there's a ghost in the hall way. I was in disbelief and asked her what did you say again? she said there's a ghost right there. She was calm as can be while I'm here shaking my pants off. I asked her to describe what she saw and she says it's all white and it has no face but just eyes and no hands or feet. I'm speechless. I told her it was an angel and it's watching over you. Weeks later I asked her again and her story was still the same. I'm petrify.
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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 11:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

Something scary, eh? This will guarantee to give you nightmares! LOL!!!


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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 11:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

« Mullac » wrote:
Lizzy Borden took an axe
gave her mother 40 whacks
when she was finished good and done
she gave her father 41

Mullac, I see you know my neighbor Lizzie, where r u from????

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 11:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

« kitzianne » wrote:
When I was about 15 I was babysitting next door to my house. When the people came home I didn't go staight into my house but sat on our porch for a bit, it was a warm night and I was sneaking a cig so my mom wouldn't see. Anyway I saw this guy come down the alley and go to a house across the street from where I was sitting and proceed looking in their window. I thought maybe he was a friend playing a trick or the owner trying to get in but when I saw him go to the next house and do the same I knew something was not right. I went into my house and locked the door and watched him for a bit go to house to house across the street from us and look in people windows, he looked like he had something he was pulling over his face but I wasn't sure. I picked up the phone and called the police, I had my back to our living room window and when I was talking to the dispatcher, I turned and there he was looking at me through our window with a ski mask pulled over his face. Talk about jumping out of your skin! I screamed so loud I woke everyone up and he took off. Long story short he got caught, I had to go to court and testify what I saw ect. Needless to say I didn't sneak any smokes on our pourch ever again!

That must have scared the shi..... out of you!!!!!!

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PostPosted:31.10.2009, 11:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

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