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CLOSED $60 Anonymous Donor 4th of July Contest

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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 01:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yipeee, i can enter this one - since I can't get the new Rival to come up - darn it. Anyway, I love the 4th and have so many wonderful memories of our entire family getting together - which is rare in our family.

The best is watching the faces of my precious nieces and nephews - and truth be told - I feel like a kid every 4th. Its truly my favorite holiday. This year I am working a very long shift - but here in Milwaukee we have SUMMER FEST - thee greatest music fest in the country and they have fireworks on the 3rd - so I will be there - coke in hand - waving my little flag, laying beside my Mikey and enjoying every second. Happy 4th everyone.


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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 10:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cool Well said MTHUNKER! You are a wonderful woman! God Bless You and Yours! (with reguards to ktty)
Well friends- it looks like I am to be here in Connecticut at least until the first of Aug. I will miss y'all 'cause I won't be on the puter much- my niece is attending the university of Phoenix, so she needs the puter a lot. I am staying here because I am with the sister whose son died from cancer last year. She is very, well never mind- she lost her son- enough said. So my generous, loving husband has allowed me to be here with her by insisting that he can pay all the bills on his own and send me living money as well. MY HUSBAND IS TRULY A MAN AMONG MEN! God I love this man! My sister really needs support and love this year. She tells me that the first year you are in shock, and the second year you grieve- I believe this is true as my best friend lost her son about 5 years ago and she told me the same thing. She has actually gone on to be with her son now- where she absolutely wanted to be, so I do not grieve for her- I grieve for my loss of her-
any way- so I won't be around much till late summer. However I will be watching the forum and may pop in to chat every now and again! (most of you are now asking yourselves- when the hell has this woman ever shut up? LOL!!!!
good luck with all your endeavors roomies! I will be in for contests, but not otherwise doing much gambling, I shall live vicariously through y'all!!

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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 15:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

rae, You can not get Lion Slots to download or something?

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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 17:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yeah, TDTAT - I can only get DaVinci's to open - all other rivals will not open after the upgrades were done so i am out of all the other rival contests/deposit promo's etc...

Have no idea why - I have tried EVERYTHING shy of buying a new puter.

I have installed all updates, removed firewalls, cleaned cookies like 100 times - and still no Simon, Sloto, or any of them except DaVinci's - now go figure.

Anyway, I'm in this one and GL to everyone and thanks to the "donor" of these great prizes - that is really nice of you.



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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 17:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

rae, You should go to chat or email and
tell them what you are running (XP, VISTA, ect)
and tell them the problem and ask them to have
technical support research it and send you an email with a fix.

Email Sloto'Cash, they will probably be the fastest.
Good Luck


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PostPosted:27.06.2008, 22:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

They were all fun with the exception of my pups they hate it.

Laughing HAPPY 4th

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$60 Anon donor contest

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PostPosted:28.06.2008, 00:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

Believe when I say I have tried. I was back and forth with Simon for days. They kept asking for info on my IP, firewalls, you name it. I did everything they asked and still nothing. I can't figure it out. There is something in that file that my computer doesn't like. I hate disabling firewalls but I did that. I added them to my list of sites that are safe - I have done it all.

Thanks for the concern though. I am just lucky that I can play at DaVinci's if I want. They ran their updates (Ithink) and I got them to come up.

Simon and Sloto and the rest can be dl'D - there is no problem with the download - and if I wait long enough I can even log in but when I go to select a game and it says (refreshing game please wait) it never comes up. I even chose a game with only one file and after 2 hours I finally gave up.

Oh well..........

Thanks again.


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PostPosted:28.06.2008, 10:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

My Icon_syda goes out to your sister irishgilly2! I lost a son, almost 9 years ago and know exactly what she is going thru. The first year is full of the first of everything without them. Second filled with trying to grieve, the third filled with what "if's" and memories. Each year gets easier but the loss and pain of losing a child (or anyone for that matter) never goes way! Birthdays and Holiday are the worst by far. Hearing special songs and have someone catch you off guard is not pleasant. We lost our son on November 1st, 1999 I wanted to NOT have Thanksgiving or Christmas that year!!! In fact I refused to put up the Christmas tree. My dear friend, came over with a new tree, new ornaments etc. She insisted that a tree was going up and if I didn't want to use our tree or our ornaments with memories from the past that we were going to use the new! The tree went up, no baking was done, we did do Christmas shopping, primarily online. Christmas eve came and our older son insisted we have Prime Rib (Paul had started this tradition a few years earlier) and that we were celebrating as normal. It was the worst and best Christmas ever!!! Sometimes we just need a little push and support. Your sister will be just fine, it will just take time along with love and support!!!
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PostPosted:29.06.2008, 01:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

Most memerable was in 2000. I was on a cruiseship.
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PostPosted:30.06.2008, 00:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

The one I remeber most is when I was really young, not quite sure exactly how old but about 5 or so I guess. I was with my Aunt and Uncle in Memphis at a huge fireworks show. I was so scared when they first started going off. I screamed and ran, lol. After a few minutes after I realized they were not bombs going off I got into them. From then on I have loved fireworks and the 4th of July.
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PostPosted:30.06.2008, 05:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

My husband is no fan of fireworks, loud noises, etc. (he's old, ya' see (60) lol), and especially hates to drive in holiday traffic, but in 2005, I convinced him to do just that . . . drive down "The Strip" on July 4th! I really hate to glean my most enjoyable moments from others' misfortune(s) !. . . . NOT! That's a big, fat lie! We ALL laugh when we see someone fall on their butt, do we not? but this was funny!!
Anyway, he insisted on driving, so my son, David, and I sat and watched as throngs of people filled the street; there were tourists everywhere! We could hardly get five feet without having to stop as jaywalkers crossed in front of our car (in both directions, I might add). This had Tom, my hubby, in quite a state, I'll tell ya'! He wanted nothing more than to pull off the crowded boulevard, but he braved it out, and made it all the way from Sahara Avenue (where the Strip actually starts, according to us Las Vegas natives anyway) to Flamingo, about five miles south. I was so proud of him! All this took at least an hour, and just as the fireworks from the many hotels began, he turned west, AWAY from the Strip and the much-anticipated pyrotechnics, and drove like a bat out of hades to get back home! He wouldn't stop, so David turned around in the back seat, face to the rear window so he could see at least some of the fireworks extravaganza. It took us probably twenty minutes to get home, and just as we got out of the car, the last firework shot up in the sky and exploded, like a huge dandilion in the night sky. We all laughed that if we'd just stayed home, like Tom wanted in the first place, we could have sen the whole show from our garage roof!

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PostPosted:30.06.2008, 08:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Great stories!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy
Independance Day this year!! Smilielove


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PostPosted:30.06.2008, 22:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

The most memorable 4th of July that my family has ever had is one that we all wished never would have happened. 12 years ago, on the 4th of July, my father suddenly passed away. And, unfortunately, every 4th of July since then, it seems as if something major is always happening on the 4th of July. And, by something major I don't mean a terrifically wonderful occurrence. Don't want to drag anyone down any further, so I'll end with that.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful (UNEVENTFUL) 4th of July holiday! Enjoy your family and friends, BBQs and fireworks!

Thanks for the contest!

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PostPosted:04.07.2008, 01:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

Happy Fourth of July, NLN members!!! I hope everyone has a fun and SAFE 4th of July, be careful!!
My most memorable 4th of July is...well, I am not sure of the exact year, b/t 1980-1982 and the hill behind our house was set on fire by the neighbors across the street that were setting off all sorts of fireworks-I just remember all the hoses from the houses, and then the fire department came. Let's just say that after that, the deer have not been back, very sad, as they were always to be seen at dusk and dawn:( not a great memory, but most memorable.

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PostPosted:04.07.2008, 08:48 Reply with quoteBack to top

Happy 4th!!! This contest is closed!
Winners announced soon Good Luck


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