can the city gov't dictate to citizens?

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can the city gov't dictate to citizens?
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PostPosted:30.08.2011, 17:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here in orlando- the gov't is trying to close internet cafes- because they say they are illegal gambling institutions. can they really say how we spend our money and who makes us sit down to play sweepstakes- slots. anyway!
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PostPosted:30.08.2011, 21:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hmmmm Yes they can. How does the gov't in wisconsin take away all of insurance benefits and bargain rights, for teachers and myself? I guess because they can. As of tommrow I no longer have a job. Because of the budget cut backs in wisconsin. I am not a teacher but a custodian. I am educated but I love the kids and my job, but tommrow I am finished. Oh well such is life, welcome to america. lol

When can I use the bathroom pls, lol

glglglglglgl alllllll.

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 06:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

rmg0520, Obviously the government can make any rules that we the people allow them to. The important thing to remember is that we elect them. Sadly, there is too much apathy in some people about elections and voting. We do not educate ourselves about those we elect.

I once read a quote that has always stuck with me and it continues to ring true. "In a democracy you get the government you deserve and you deserve the government you get."

I believe that morality should not be legislated, and that victimless "crimes" should not be criminal.


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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 06:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

gonecamping2, That is so brutal. We can send billions to other countries, but can not pay teachers a living wage to provide a solid foundation for the future of our own counrty. Sad

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 08:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

It is so true. Teachers that have been teaching for years on end, have lost all bargining rights, sick days, senority. It is a shame.

glglglgl alllllllllllllll.

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 10:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

anyway its the same thing , equal in France , they gave milliards of euros at many country for help them , that's good thing , but i believe they first fo the maximum for the France and then help others .... but no !! i dont undestand how works this governement Razz
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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 10:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Give the Government time they will tell us what to eat were we can work if you can marry and if you can have a 1 or 2 kids . They dont think we can think for our self. That we are little baby that need to be told. You cant do this and you cant do that. Just go to work and work your butt off shut up do your job give us your money. we will tell you how to spent it. for get about having any Fun. As that cost money that we need. Welcome To America. The Land of the Free what a joke Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 10:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

What a can of worms we have opened ! If the gov't doesn't do its job to your likes, register, vote, march, voice your opinion.

WE THE PEOPLE can change our future at election time....Get out and vote...

I love teachers, police, and other community workers, they serve us the people, but we the PEOPLE have to change the law makers, the governement, the people we elected and put in charge.

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 13:46 Reply with quoteBack to top

Well, first off we had Internet Cafe's in our city and they shut them down. Ironically, it was a councillor that had done his homework before opening them (or so he thought).

To the people of Wisconsin, my sympathy goes out to you. I am an AFSCME member and I am constantly updated on the situation in your state. When you see the money that CEO's are walking away with, but yet they are trying to strip public servants of their right to work and make a living, along with their bargaining's sad

The governor of Massachusetts recently signed a bill regarding health insurance. To save money, they want to force "sub-standard" insurance on us. They are saying it will be cheaper. Sure, the monthly premiums will be, but the co-pays for meds and doctors will be through the roof. Then comes the yearly deductibles.

Shame on people for working for a living!!!! The police in my city are highly underpaid. Part of the appeal of the job is the security and the benefits. Well, so much for security because we had massive layoffs over the last few years. And now, they are forcing medical benefits that are less than adequate. I guess it isn't worth being responsible, showing up for work everyday, thinking that you're entitled to just a wee bit more than those who choose to sit home and collect a check.

Sorry for venting but, just sayin'........

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 14:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

gonecamping2, It really does make me sick... the way this country pays and treats it's educators.. especially when I think back at some of the amazing teachers I had. Several of them really changed my life and I can not imagine where I would be without their love and inspiration in those teenage years. Things really could have gone another way with me, as with so many kids.

It is beyond me what people think. What could be more important than those who teach the next generation? Sadly I think we see now what happens, society goes downhill fast when children are not properly educated.

People have to be crazy or extrememly dedicated to go into the profession. Then the ones who are very good and really care get treated like crap. Rolling Eyes I see stupid sports people making millions of dollars to throw a ball and teachers not able to make enough to get by.


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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 15:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

TDTAT, I might add that I don't even know how they want to go into a classroom today. Kids are soooo out of control, and you can't do anything about it. There is no resect, and they can assualt teachers and get away with it. But if a teacher looks at them the wrong way, they are being investigated.

It is sad what this world has come to.....

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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 15:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

I do beleave that some Teachers are underpay but their are some that do there job and are over pay just because were they work. as for government you vote them out like we did. the new ones do something all over. i am not saying they are all lazy and just cover their own backs but 70percent are.
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PostPosted:31.08.2011, 16:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

Our VOTE is the key and we had better think about what is happening before we lose our right to VOTE, that is what is happening right now.
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PostPosted:02.09.2011, 12:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

It is such a shame for us in the USA.... Sucks.
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PostPosted:03.09.2011, 20:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

I think the whole world is messed up right now. Just my opinion.

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