Age: 65 Joined: 15 May 2009 Posts: 99 Likes: 0 Location: Grdley,Ca 0.00 NLN Dollars
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I wrote this Halloween 1980
All Hallows Eve
Witches and Gobblins and Ghosties and such,Really don't frighten me,Not very much,And Black Cats and Hoot Owls that scream in the night,Could really never give me any kind of a fright.Why once on a Dark Dreary Halloween Eve.When the Moon was as Dark as inside your sleeve.A Great Big Rhinoserous came into our House,and I trapped him as if he were just a Grey Mouse.I'll Bet I'm the Bravest of all of the Brave.I even could sleep all night by a Grave.There isn't a thing in this Whole World that SCARES me,But perhaps I should stop now, Before somebody DARES ME !!
Last edited by rosesnrings23 on 31.10.2009, 21:39; edited 1 time in total
Age: 65 Joined: 15 May 2009 Posts: 99 Likes: 0 Location: Grdley,Ca 0.00 NLN Dollars
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