$50 CASH Happy Holidays FETES Contest ~ $25 winner: Roxy42

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 16:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

les fêtes de NOËL se passeront en famille avec mon mari , mon fils, son amie mon frère , ma belle soeur et ma nièce soit chez eux à Troyes , soit chez moi en côte d'or ( pas encore défini ) et les fêtes du jour de l'an chez des amis en Isère , que du bonheur, mais il serait tout à fait complet si le monde entier pouvait être aussi heureux pendant cette période .
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 16:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

My favorite thing about Christmas is being able to give presents to the people I love. If I didnt get one thing at Christmas it would be ok, as long as I could see other people around me happy. There is nothing like being able to give joy to someone else, and Chritmas is one of those times where it seems to happen the most.
I also like all of the food that Christmas brings. Being able to sit around and laugh and eat and have a drink with those who matter the most. And I love Chritmas because you can drive down the road and see so many beautiful lights, and everyone seems to have a radient glow of happiness to them at Chritmas time.

I dont like angry shoppers who leave everything until the last minute and get mad when they go to the mall and see that it is packed and everything is picked through.

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 16:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

I will be spending x-mas working, I take care of elderly sick people with no family, so we will be together, hoping to make each other happy and bring in the new year.
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 16:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

For me, Christmas is about childhood memories, laying under the tree looking up at all the lights, that favorite gift, my Mother's love, and being so full of expectation and wonder. Most of that leaves us as we grow older
but we can make special memories for the children around us, enjoy being with friends and family and share the love in our hearts for those closest to us. Lets not forget those who are less fortunate and share what we can with those as well. God Bless!

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 16:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

pour moi les fetes de fin d'année se passent toujours en famille avec mes parents, frere et soeur ainsi que mes enfants et neveux et nièces.
leurs joies d'ouvrir leurs cadeaux avec leurs grands yeux écarquillés suffit à mon bonheur.
les plaisirs les plus simples sont souvent les plus appréciables et les plus agréables en ces temps maussades.

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 17:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

ma femme et moi travaillons ensemble lors des fêtes mais on s'amusera quand même
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 18:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

Laughing Very Happy bonsoir pour moi les fetes vonts se passer dans la joie et la bonne humeur autour d'un bon repas que je vais faire moi meme!!quelques coupettes de champagne pour arroser ca et danser sur une bonne musique de rock en roll johnny hallyday et voila!!!!!petite soupe a l'oignon et au dodo !!!!!!et on remet ca au nouvel an toujours en famille car on n'est tres famille bisous Laughing Laughing Wink Wink Wink
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 19:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

The one thing I love about Christmas is that whether Jesus was born on December 25th or the 4th of July, it is the one day of the year our nation and many other nations recognize Him! The love that is spread during this time of the year is tremendous and He sees that. My children love to get up Christmas morning and open presents, but they are always told what the true meaning of Christmas is. All that matters whether it is Christmas or any other holiday is that we all get along and help the less fortunate and let's celebrate the fact that we can CELEBRATE!! Happy Holidays to all and a very Merry Christmas to those who believe. Bless you all!!
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Re: $50 FREE CASH Happy Holidays Contest ~ $50 FETES concour

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 19:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

$50 Happy Holidays Contest ~ $50 joyeuses fetes concours
Free CASH Contest~ CASH concours sans depot
Happy Holidays from NoLuckNeeded.com
NoLuckNeeded.com souhaite de joyeuses fetes a tous

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Post: What do you love/hate about the Holidays?
Or what will you be doing for the Holidays?

Postez: Racontez nous un peu comment vont
se passer vos fetes de fin d'année

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Merry Christmas~ Merry XMAS ~ joyeuses fetes
~Frohe Feiertage ~ Feste felici ~ Gelukkige Vakanties
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Happy Chanukah / Hannuka ~Shalom! سعيد تخليصهم
Happy Kwanzaa/ Kwanza ~ NGUZO SABA
A good Ramadan to those who fast
رمضان جيدا لمن سريع

Whatever you celebrate, please enjoy
If you do not celebrate the Holidays, please
enjoy the time you spend with your family or alone.
If I missed your Holiday, it was not intentional.
I think we should all respect each other's customs and
and love each other no matter what our beliefs are..
We are all humans of planet earth

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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 20:09 Reply with quoteBack to top

Happy Holidays !!! What I love most about Christmas is all the happy faces when your faimly gets together and enjoy each other . I love to play with the grand children with all the items they get for Christmas . I love to take them out side and play in the snow , this year should be alot of fun . I have gotten them some sleds this year . It should be a ball . I love all the sharing of the foods, there is so much to chose from . Everyone brings a dish to pass . Then late evening we all gather around the table and have Fondue .The children like this the most . Then we sit around in the livingroom and grandpa reads a story . Then off to bed with the little ones . We all have a hot buttered Rum and remanis about Christmas pass . I love this holiday it is the best ever . I just hope alot of others have a great Christmas like I have . I give thanks to the Lord for such wonderful thing we have in life like this . We prase his birth and thank him as we go to sleep .So Happy Holidays To You all
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 20:13 Reply with quoteBack to top

slotmom, Your new avatar IS SOOOOOOO Cute!!!! WOW
I love it!! 007 007 007


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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 20:48 Reply with quoteBack to top

I love Christmas, because I love being with family. This year I will spending the morning at a Sick Kids Hospital dressed up as Santa, then after that going to spend time with family and eating
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 20:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

I love Christmas because of the lloks on my kid's faces when they see different "joys of the season" it's great!!!!!
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PostPosted:12.12.2006, 23:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

we always spend christmas eve with my brothers and their families, and my mom. we have a great time, eat lots of good food and play poker, lol. i really miss my dad during the holidays. he loved christmas. this will be the second one without him. i sure will be thinking of him.
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PostPosted:13.12.2006, 00:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

What do I love best? Being Santa. Every year we choose a needy family in the area and shop like crazy for them. On Christmas Eve we deliver...if they aren't home, we sneak in and leave the gifts under the tree, and a Santa hat on top, so they know who was there! If they are home, we hide the car, deliver the gifts to the doorstop, complete with Santa hat, then run like hell after we ring the bell! One year we drove back by the home and one of the little children was standing in the window with the Santa hat on. I would imagine she was watching for him. That is magic. I still get goosebumps. Merry Christmas, people. Especially to you, operalover.
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