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spring is my favorite time of year. i love the blooming flowers and the dogwoods with the pretty white flowers. the long evenings instead of it getting dark at 5:00 in the afternoon.
I love the birds singing, and listening to the peepers peep on
a warm spring evening.something about spring makes the heart
lighter and brings a freshness to the soul.
Summer is on its way
Pretty flowers start to bloom
Rum and Coke taste better sipping on patio
Iris pop up
Nothing to do on lazy warmer day but enjoy them
Green grass comes back for the Contest
I love all the green coming back after the winter and the birds and squirrels everywhere but most of all.....hubby back in the yard cooking on his smoker. Great meat and less work for me.
I love the fresh air, warmer weather, being able to sit outside and BBQ, warmer weather. (wait, did I say that already?) LOL Of course it means summer is around the corner.
The nicest thing about the spring is NO MORE SNOW....but of course I live in Iowa where we get snow in April sometimes! I am looking forward to planting all my flowers around the house!
The breezy weather and pretty skies! It's pretty much always warm in Texas, but spring is awesome here!! I especially love seeing people out working in their yards in the evenings and on weekends. I always know Spring has arrived when I start seeing fresh mulch and new flowers on the landscaping.