$25 FREE CASH Grandma's Contest ~Grand-mère $25: lorisha

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$25 FREE CASH Grandma's Contest ~Grand-mère $25: lorisha

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 07:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Congrats & Bravo
$25 cash Winner: lorisha
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$25 CASH Grandma's Contest
25$ Cash sans depot Grand-mère concours

I am going to visit my 91 year old Grandma in Florida,
Then to visit my other 78 year old Grandma
in Tennessee January 10-18
Je vais rendre visite à ma grand-mère le 10 au 18 janvier
In Love Love It Icon_syda In Love Love It

Post what you love/loved about your Grandmother
If you are a Grandma post about your Grandchildren
and you will get special consideration
You can post everyday in this contest!!
POSTEZ: qu'aimez-vous au sujet de votre grand-mère ?
Êtes-vous une grand-mère ?

$25 CASH winner announced January 19 or Jan20
gagnant 20 janvier

I will be gone January 10-18th
I will be online, so send me a personal
message if you need help
nettelarr42794 has my phone number
if anyone needs anything urgently

si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce
soit envoyez moi un mel et je vous
repondrai dans 4/8 heures

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Last edited by TDTAT on 21.01.2007, 06:11; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 07:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

Laughing Laughing bonjour tawnia.. Wink et bien pour moi je n'est jamais eu de grand mere et meme ma mere je ne l'est pas connue car moi et mes freres et ma soeur avonts ete abandonner mais bon maintenent je suis grand mere de trois petits enfants et c'est fabuleux j'ai ete grand mere a 36 ans car je me suis marier tres jeune...ils ont 22 ans 16 ans et 13 ans mai j'en est deux que je voit peut car il sonts loin ma petite fille casandra est super gentille avec moi elle m'offre souvent des fleurs ce qui coute chere a sa maman voila que dire que d'etre grand mere c'est genial Wink

hello tawnia. and well for me I never had a grandmother and same my mother I is not known for it bus me and my brothers and my sister avonts be to give up but good maintenent I am mother(grandmother?) of three little children and they are fabulous I was a mother at 36 years old because I am married to a very young person… they are 22 years old 16 years and 13 years but I is two that I sees can because it is far my small daughter casandra is super nice with me, she often offers flowers to me what cute dear, that to say to be a grandmother it is brilliant

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 07:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

i have to say it is a blessing to have grandparents like i do, well now i have to say was a blessing, my grandmother just passed away last wednesday of cancer(bless her heart), she was 87 years young, and my grandfather passed away about 10 years ago(bless his heart), that was my fathers parents, they did so much for everyone in the family, even though they lived in ireland they still made it possible to come to the united states to see thier grand kids for important holidays and events, and ive been to ireland 2 times, as for my mothers parents, i never got the chance to meet them, my mother did not have them around growing up, my mother grew up in an orphanage, but she over came soo much, she is a very loving wife to my father and loving mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother, i know how lucky i am to have that kind of family, and i appreciated my parents and grandparents for all they have done for me and my daughter, and for the whole family, they are the best!!!! Very Happy
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 08:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

both grandma and grandpa s are dead now and who still has them are lucky. i miss having grandparents around.although i never new any of my grandfathers. my oma on moms side was the sweetest kindest person on earth. such a kind face and heart. I WILL SEE YOU OMA IN PARADISE EARTH.

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 08:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

moi je n'ai qu'un lointain souvenir de ma grand mère , mais j'ai eu et j'ai encore des tas de grand parents , car j'ai exercé la profession d'auxiliaire de vie auprés de personnes agées pendant 25 ans dont 12 ans chez la méme personne çà ne se fait pas sans créer des liens très fort , maintenant je ne travailles plus mais fait partie d'une association bénévole de distraction aux malades dans une maison de retraite , il ne faut jamais oublié que nos anciens sont la mémoire de notre passé,et personnellement je peux dire qu'ils m'ont apportés beaucoup plus que ce que j'ai pu faire pour eux quotidiennement. Bien affectueusement à tous et gros bisous à ta grand mère Twania, je suis sure que tu es son rayon de soleil , j'ajouterai que je suis Mamy de 3 petits garçons de 13 ans; 8 ans et 9 mois malheureusement à 650 km de chez moi .

me I have only one distance memory of my grandmother, but I had and I still have heaps of grandparents, because I followed the occupation of helping old people during 25 years of which 12 years at the méme nobody that is done without creating bonds very strong, now I do work but belong to a voluntary association to help the patients in an old people's home, it is never necessary forgotten that our old is the memory of our past, and personally I can say that they brought to me much more than what I could do for them now. Sincerely with all and large kisses to your grandmother Tawnia, I am sure that you are her sunshine
I will add that I am Mommy of 3 little boys 13 year old ; 8 years and 9 months unfortunately to 650 km from home.

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 09:03 Reply with quoteBack to top

My grandma was the best cook ever! I do remember that! Both my mom and dad were the "babies" of large families, so by the time my brother and I came along, the grandparents I did have left were older and had tons of grandkids.

One thing I will add though, is my daughter has the best grandparents ever! (My parents). My husband and I split up when my daughter was 3, so they really helped me a lot with Alyssa. No kid could ever want or need a better grandma (or grandpa, for that matter!)

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 10:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Both of my grandmother's are no longer with us but what I do remember best about my mother's mother was watching scary shows with her on Friday nights. We'd curl up in her bed and watch horror shows. I know that sounds crazy for a little kid but we are talking about 40-50 years ago - not the yuck of today but Vincent Price etc. I got my love of Stephen King from her. My mother is also gone but this I got from her - She told me when I was having my own kids that they would remember how clean the house was but would remember that Mom played with them. So now that I have two wonderful grandkids I still remeber what she said. They think I'm great because Nana plays. And Nana talks and Nana listens. And I LOVE it!!!!!!!
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 15:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi All....Well I am getting ready to be a NEW grandma!! and I can't wait the baby is due in February. I'm sooo excited to be able to spoil and then give baby back to mom and dad when I'm tired.

Happy New Year

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 15:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

alltanf, Jump Jump CONGRATS!! WOW

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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 18:23 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am a grandmother of 5 grandchildren and a great grandmother of a new baby boy. The best thing I love is that you have all the joy and none of the work! You can spoil them, give them the things that you had to say no to your kids and not feel bad because that is what grandparents are for, and the grandkids love it. It's a very happy time in my life and I am sure all you grandparents feel the same way.

Thanks for reading my view runspot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What I love about Grandma
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 18:59 Reply with quoteBack to top

What I used to love about my grandma is she would know when people were ripping her off, and spot it every time. This made for fun and contreversy.


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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 19:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

wow it'sbeen so long since I have seen my Grandmother she passed in 77 I was only 7yrs old but I do remember one thing, going to her house which was right on a lake, and feeding the ducks with her. Unfortunetly I never met my other Grand mother but from what I heard from my older sisters she was great...GOD BLESS THEM BOTH, and to all GRAND MOTHERS OUT THERE!!!!!
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 19:36 Reply with quoteBack to top

My grandmother was the funniest woman ever--and often times unintentionally! She was 79 years old and had a stroke--she was diagnosed with anorexia...you know, watchin' her weight...I can't imagine where I get my issues! Anyway, she was put on Prozac as part of her treatment. After about 2 weeks I remember calling to see how she was doing. I gradually got around to asking her how she was doing on her medication, whether she liked it or not. In her usual feisty manner she replied, "Eh, it's not doing a God damn thing for me." Pause. "But I can tell you what, everyone else around me has been a lot nicer since I've been on it." I about fell off my chair. Somehow, I guess that Prozac was working on the others through osmosis or something! TDTAT, have a wonderful time.
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 19:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

By the way...my grandmother passed away several years ago. But she left me her Prozac.
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PostPosted:09.01.2007, 20:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

My Grandmother was the greatest having battled cancer for about 20 years, she had the most wonderful since of humor. She was an amazing woman, and like BC's grandmother there was never a dull moment.
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