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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 13:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

If I had $1 Million Dollars I would buy a house so I would not have to move any more & Pay all my old bills . Then I would give some to my 3 children . My hubby and I would go on a honeymoon we never had . My wish is to go to Hawwii . But befor I would do that I would go to Vegas and try my luck . I would also give some to reserch for cancer ,Glacoma,.As for these are some of the problems I am having in life . I also would give money to a childrens fund too . Because they need our help to sevive .
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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 13:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'd definately be buying a new house and my daughter would have a nice college fund. Of course, I'd also help out my parents. After all, they did raise me and that was no easy task! LOL!
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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 14:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'd move to Europe and figure out a way to help USA players play ... lol
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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 14:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

« zuka » wrote:
I'd move to Europe and figure out a way to help USA players play ... lol

Confused Can I go with you, zuka?

And can I bring the cat's?
Or at least Voodoo?

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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 15:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

Laughing Laughing Laughing bonsoir a tous et bien avec un million de dollars j'acherait une maison pour moi et une maison a chacun de mes enfants!!!!!une belle voiture!!!! un petit voyage a las vegas pour flamber un peu au casino et comme je serait pas loin de toi je te ferait une petite visite histoire de de se connaitre ma chere tawnia voila avec pleins de bisous@+++++++ Laughing Wink Wink
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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 19:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would give my mom some money so she would'nt have to worry about anything the rest of her life. Buy myself a house and pay off all bills to be debt free. Give some to my sister, nephew, neice and my grandchildren.
The rest would be investments and for me to go have a lot of f***ing FUN!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

maybe a little outing in vegas with you tawnia Very Happy Very Happy

Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers

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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 20:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

codyman, 041 Jump

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PostPosted:02.03.2007, 21:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

« joker05 » wrote:
I would do Max Bet on Dolphin Tales ($1.25 per line X 40 lines = $50) and spin until I got 5 free spins at 20X multiplier. Whatever I have after the 5 free spins gets split 4 ways between me, wife, daughter, and TDTAT

$1,000 a spin on Desert Treasure for 10 spins is the last thing I would do..... again.....


I like the way you think joker05 LoL Laughing Laughing Laughing

I believe I would do something similar, unfortunately.. Wink


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PostPosted:03.03.2007, 11:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would buy a large amont of property and build
free housing for single people trying to make it
on one income. All races, creeds, genders, non-gender,
for ALL. If we all picthed in together we
could make it. Maybe we could have our
own casino with free play and just play
all the time, loses don't count against you...HAHA
I forgot we don't live in a perfect world !!

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PostPosted:03.03.2007, 11:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

Very Happy really have no idea,I am so certain I will never have that lot of money,that if it would happen, I had to start thinking about it from that moment on,have a nice weekend all,kisses to all NLN members Very Happy
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PostPosted:03.03.2007, 13:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

i would pay off my house, take care of medical bills, and help family pay off the bills they owe and if there was any left then i would invest which most people would probably say invest first.but im a caring for others first type of peson.tx tani for my last win tried to use at casino 770 but you have to deposit 50 or more. still used it .used it at inetbet.
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PostPosted:03.03.2007, 15:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

I would first pay off ALL MY BILLS, then I would get a new truck, I would set my daughter and grandson up and account to get them started, I would give a generous amount to St Jude's Childrens hospital, and much to other places that help those in need. Then I would go on a nice trip, Cancun sounds good.

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PostPosted:04.03.2007, 09:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

$25 Free Cash Contest
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PostPosted:04.03.2007, 09:53 Reply with quoteBack to top


allez je me lance pour le concours :

avec 1 million de dollars, ouah, quelle somme. Tout d'abord, je crois que je resterai clouée sur mon fauteuil en me disant :"ben dis donc, t'as gagné 1 million", je crois que tant que cet argent n'est pas sur mon compte en banque, je ne ferai aucun projet, mais lorsque je verrai le montant et que j'aurai demandé à mon banquier si c'est bien mon argent, alors je crois que je prendrai tout d'abord juste 10'000 $ pour être bien sûre et certaine que cet argent est bien à moi, ensuite je redéposerai 9'500 $ sur mon compte et avec les 500 $, je me rendrai en compagnie de mon amour au restaurant afin de lui annoncer la bonne nouvelle, nous ferions un bon repas avec une bonne bouteille puis nous rentrerons tranquillement à la maison.

Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, le lendemain on parlera de ce fameux million que nous avons gagné, car j'en donnerai la moitié à mon amour.
Et chacun de nous deux fera ce qu'il veut de son argent, mais je pense que j'en placerai une bonne partie et vivre une bonne retraite en faisant ce que nous avons envie.

Comme j'adore les animaux, mon premier don sera pour la SPA (Société protectrice des animaux), d'autres dons suivront à différents organismes...

Après, VIVA LA BELLA VISTA ............... (VIVE LA BELLE VIE).

Bisous, bisous, bisous.


Jouer doit rester un plaisir

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PostPosted:04.03.2007, 09:56 Reply with quoteBack to top

Je créé ma propre entreprise et j'emploi du personnel. Car je suis actuellement au chomage et sans emploi. J'aimerais créé une entreprise de convetion . Faire des spectacle. Le monde artistique me plait enormément.
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